Thank you for participating in Hear & Now

May 5, 2023

Fr. Mike and the Leadership Team would like to express our sincere gratitude for all those who participated in our first Hear & Now event last Sunday. As a first step in looking at where we are and casting a vision of where we all see our Parish in ten years and beyond, the small group discussions have given us an amazing start!

Some of the common themes that we took away from our discussions centered around community, family, inclusivity, diversity and spiritual growth. We heard that you see a future where St. Willibrord’s welcomes everyone and contributes to the lives people and families in Verdun. We also heard that many of you dream of a parish that provides unique opportunities for spiritual growth to youth, young adults and all who are seeking to grow in their relationship with Christ.

Over the weeks and months to come, your insights and dreams will surely help as we build ministries, discern upcoming events, and plan for the future of our Parish. We look forward to gathering with you again soon to pause, reflect and hear from you.